Dealers & Installers |
Alumi-Trim maintenance-free security window guards and other products can add profits to your bottom line. Whether you are a building maintenance supply company, a locksmith, or a local hardware retailer, Alumi-Trim window guards provide the solution to customer window security concerns.Window replacement and installation services, construction and renovation companies rely on Alumi-Trim window guards to comply with strict building code requirements set forth by city and state agencies where child safety security window guards are required by law.Alarm and security services regard Alumi-Trim window guards and associated products as a low cost, highly visible deterrent that immediately diffuses the invitation of a partially open window to predators and thieves.To inquire about becoming a dealer in Alumi-Trim window guards, please complete and submit the form provided below or contact us at 718-622-7469 and a window guards account representative will supply information on how to incorporate these value added window guards and associated products to your services. |